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John Rossi – In Memoriam – 1939-2024

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Field Representative: Dave McCreight

Dave McCreight

Field Representative

Railroading Experience

I’m retired from the Union Pacific Railroad, where I worked for 39 years in the MOW department. 

In my years of service with the railroad, I was very active with the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees (BMWE). I served as a local chairman for over 20 years and was also elected to the executive board of our federation.

Investigatory Experience with Rossi Vucinovich

After retiring from the railway industry, I was given the opportunity to work with Rossi Vucinovich as an investigator. I feel that my experience of working on the railroad and with the union gives me the knowledge to better serve our clients. 

FELA is a federal statute that helps injured railroad workers receive compensation for railway accidents. Our firm has over 50 years of knowledge and experience in working with this law, successfully helping injured workers and their families.

My job as an investigator is to help educate, and to work for our clients for the best possible outcome of each of their cases.

A Little More About Me…

I live in Canon City, Colorado with my wife, Sally. We have two children and six grandchildren. I enjoy bow hunting, fishing, and spending time with our kids and grandkids.

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