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John Rossi – In Memoriam – 1939-2024

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Field Representative: Kevin Decker

Kevin Decker

Field Representative

Railroading Experience

I began my railroad career in 1979 as a brakeman with the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad. I was promoted to conductor in 1983, and then transferred to the Train Dispatcher’s Office in 1989.

I received two promotions in the 1990s. The first was a promotion to Corridor Manager in 1992. The second was a promotion to Coal Director in 1994 for the Southern Pacific Railroad for the Colorado and Utah Division.

In 1996, I went back into train service with the Union Pacific Railroad, where I finished my career as a mainline conductor. I retired in 2020. In total, I spent 41 years working in the railway industry.

I served as an Assistant Vice Local Chairman in the last four years before my retirement.

Investigatory Experience with Rossi Vucinovich

I have served as a field investigator with Rossi Vucinovich since April of 2022. The
firm contacted me for help, and I seized the opportunity. I can utilize my 41 years of experience in the railroad industry to help others in this
new role!

A Little More About Me…

My wife and I have nine grandchildren, which keeps us busy with family, sports, etc. In my free time, I enjoy ATVs, hunting, and ice fishing.

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