We recently reported on the possibility of paid sick leave legislation for railway workers. While no legislation has passed as of yet, Union Pacific (UP) Railroad recently reached an agreement with the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET) on the topic. The agreement marks a major victory for UP railroad workers!
What are the Terms of the Agreement?
Under the terms of the new agreement, UP will now provide paid sick leave to approximately 5,600 of its locomotive engineers. In particular, the agreement includes the following:
- Effective August 1, 2023: Three paid sick days (paid at the basic daily rate of last service performed).
- Effective January 1, 2024: Five paid sick days (paid at the basic daily rate of last service performed).
- Effective January 1, 2024: Ability to convert two single day vacations to paid sick days (These days will be paid at the 1/52nd vacation rate of pay).
- Paid sick days can be used at any time on any day of the week, and they cannot be denied.
- Paid sick days do NOT count against attendance points.
- Paid sick days do NOT forfeit guarantees.
- Paid sick days apply to ALL engineers (Assigned and Unassigned).
According to BLET National President Eddie Hall, the agreement “is really about health and safety.” “It’s not in our members’, the public’s or the railroad’s best interest for engineers to be operating trains when they’re sick. Congratulations to our BLET General Chairmen and Union Pacific’s management who reached this agreement at the bargaining table.”
UP now has sick leave agreements in place with 12 of its 13 labor unions. This covers just about 68% of UP’s craft employees.
Contact Rossi Vucinovich for Help
If you sustained a railroad injury, please contact our law firm for help. Rossi Vucinovich PC has been helping railroad employees and people injured in railroad accidents recover from railroad injuries for over 50 years. We are dedicated to helping you obtain the benefits you need to treat your injuries, pay your bills, and continue supporting your families. Do yourself a favor and contact us today to get the legal help you deserve.
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